A Brief Bio About My Life

         I love sports, the only moment when I feel complete and alive. Most importantly football and tennis, as one shows the strength of being in a team and the other is based on individual strengths.

         I have supported Manchester United since I was 2, contrary to my Father who supports Arsenal so this has led to great times spent together watching these games.

         I've played a lot in my life most noticeably for Queens Park Rangers and for Precor in the UAE which are the most high level teams I have had the privilege to play in.

        With Precor, we participated in the Dallas Cup in America where there was also Manchester United playing and other big teams like Paris Saint Germain. This was a great experience.

        Nowadays, I still keep fit by going on my daily joggs and often heading to the gym for some weight lifting. I've also started boxing and MMA to try and blow so steam off aha. But altogether, sports is definitely the domain where I feel the most at ease, and it's important especially knowing that I am planning to have a career in Finance.

       It's quite difficult to practice sports every day in the UK because of the weather in comparison to Dubai or Abu Dhabi, but one must keep fit. My favourite player was Ronaldo before he left Manchester United, he was truly a source of inspiration. Nowadays, the youth of the sport are burdened with high paychecks so they've lost interest and passion themselves. There aren't many players I look up to or aspire me to be better. Maybe Neymar by being such a great professional.

       On Instagram and most social media, I follow quite some athletes not only football players, but also swimmers, tennis players, and boxing and MMA fighters. Mostly those from which I can draw inspiration.

       Later on in life, I wish to become like Dan Gote, the richest african man who no matter his humble beginnings, is today a well established and respected man. He has his hands and businesses in all industries from Cement to Agriculture and I respect his journey.

       Being a profitable entrepreneur by the time I am 30 is my goal. Although within the next five years I would like to have a solid career in the world of finance where I learnt my trade through school and numerous experiences in the banking and financial sector across the world.

       I want to open a Financial advisory firm in West Africa for people who have no little advice on how to make money grow and how and where to save it. This is a big need for the continent as developments mainly consist of infrastructure to services, but not education.

Throughout my life, I have visited many places aha, where to begin.

     Africa; Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Mauritius, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya

Europe; France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Corsica, Holland, Portugal, Spain, Danmark, Sweden, Turkey, Luxembourg, Asia and Middle East; Oman, UAE, Qatar, Americas; United States of America

I most enjoyed living in Nigeria, incomparable. Nigeria is amazing and I would go back and live there anytime: cheap food, great beaches, joy of life,

clean country, development is crazy, economical and societal, so many opportunities.

The second best is Dubai, because whoever comes into contact with that place will have higher standards in life and higher expectations for oneself and family.

Now I am in the UK, England where I live in London and completed my studies in a University in Scotland. A country which I also love which has its charm, just not the weather.

Most of the countries are places I've visited on holidays with family or friends, the countries I've lived in are Nigeria, Ivory Coast, England, Scotland, UAE, South Africa and France.

I completed my Bachelors degree in Business Management from Plymouth University in London. which I enjoyed, although the teachers were not the best and the institution lacked major organisation and seriousness, I enjoyed the town. With regards to my Masters degree I did Accounting and Finance at the University of Dundee in Scotland.

I am glad to have had these experiences, because living in London is not for the faint hearted.

It is nothing like Dubai, nothing like Nigeria, or even France. In London to move forward you have to be very strong. It is the number one spot in the world for grinding, finding jobs and where the whole world wants to be. So understand the competition.


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